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Vestibular Rehab

Vertigo is the sensation that the room is spinning around you, but there are many other symptoms that cause dizziness. We aim to treat vertigo when it is present, as well as thoroughly assessing other possible causes of your dizziness.


Our therapists have taken the highest level of education in Vestibular Rehab and our goal is to accurately understand and treat the root cause of your dizziness. We do this with the most current assessment and treatment tools available, and have a keen eye for disfunction of this system. We partner with other specialists in greater Victoria who work in this field so that we can make helpful referrals when needed.


Being dizzy is not a normal sensation. It can lead to falls, and is often recurrent even if you feel better within a few days of onset. If you are dizzy please book an appointment to get it assessed and treated as soon as possible.


Our vestibular therapists


Linda Walker Physiotherapist / Owner

Linda Walker


Liza - Physiotherapist / Pelvic Floor Specialist

Liza van Rensburg

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